Tuesday, September 30, 2014

26 things I learnt at 26 :D

     These are the things I have learnt from personal experiences and now truly deeply believe.This note is primarily for myself to come back to as a reference point. Things I kinda always knew but now know a lot better because of my ongoing personal development break ;)

So here are the things I want myself to remember for my life. Like always!

1.      You are what you think you are. Your life is a manifestation of your own thoughts.
2.     Be grateful and thankful for all the good things you have.
3.     Law of attraction works big time: you attract to you what you think. Thoughts become things. Both good and bad.
4.    You make your own destiny. You are your choices. Your thoughts make you. Think POSITIVE
5.     Believe J. You are magic!
6.    Also, be good, do good. You pay it forward, mostly.
7.     Never miss a chance to help anyone in need. Be nice but don’t be an idiot and get yourself hurt, be nice and smart ;-)
8.     The more I have given the more I have gotten. ALWAYS.
9.    Love fiercely. Never miss an opportunity to let your loved ones know that they mean the world to you.
10. The world is full of people. People, who will make you positive, people who will drain you out. Choose your people, much wisely.
11.   Never let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do something, not even YOURSELF.
12.  YOUR MIND IS YOUR BIGGEST POWER. Use it constructively. The mind should not master you, you should.
13.  Do what you have to do. Let the opinion of people not stop you.
14. Only if you are happy you can make others around you happy. It’s a vicious cycle. Begin with yourself first!
15.  Never settle for anything less than what you deserve!!
16. Negativity is a drug. Don’t indulge much!
17.  It takes 21 days to make a habit, make wise choices!!!
18.  Goodness is the ONLY religion. If I can’t be a good human being nothing I believe makes any difference to anyone.
19. Hug often, it’s the best therapy. xx. ^_^
20. What doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger
21. The only person in your full control is you yourself!
22. People would treat you many ways, good and not so good. It doesn't tell much about you but a lot about them.
23. Life is short. Just do what makes you happy.
24. Never take anyone’s shit. It’s never worth it. Never. Period. So speak up.
25. Never ignore family; they are the only ones who would ALWAYS be by your side.
26. Life is not about being serious J let the kid in you never rest J

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