Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Let's Celebrate Life :)

I was just thinking that all of us long for happiness in some or the other way....

We run after the madding crowd frantically looking for happiness, things which would make us happy in the future, fulfilling dreams, voraciously aiming for innumerable things......

We forget cherishing happiness in the moment, things which make us really happy, we know them but never wait to appreciate them !!

I realised that from the minute I wake up till the time I go back to sleep, there are so many things which make me happy,

I read a caption of an advertisement somewhere which read "Let's Celebrate life"

Trust me these three words make a really beautiful statement.........lets celebrate life...

Doesn't brushing your teeth make u feel fresh?

Doesn't the warm towel u use after taking a bath makes u feel cozy?

Doesn't the smell of wet mud elevates your spirits?

Doesn't the cool breeze against your face makes u warm inside?

Doesn't the embraces from your friends makes u glad that u have them?

Doesn't that phone call from a old friend makes u overwhelmed?

Don't u enjoy the innocence in the kids in the playground?

Doesn't that winter sun cuddles u inside?

Don't u wait to get back home and sit with your parents?

Doesn't that high school picture reminds you of the priceless moments of your life?

Don't you enjoy the cozy bed after long day of work?

I JUST LOVE ...... so so many things like the jittered khol in my eyes when I wake up in the morning.
All we have to do is to stop for a while and appreciate all these things :)
Life is indeed beautiful, lets celebrate it :)

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